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Elasticsearch Sessions

Elasticsearch is all about searching and analyzing data in real-time.

This page covers questions you can ask about your Elasticsearch setup to get valuable insights, find potential issues, and ensure everything is running smoothly.

Key areas of focus

Below are some possible questions to ask about your Elasticsearch setup:

General queries

  • What indices are currently active in my Elasticsearch cluster?
  • How many documents have been indexed in the last 24 hours?
  • Can I get the total storage size used by my Elasticsearch cluster?
  • Can I search for specific error messages from the last 7 days?
  • What are the most common log types in my recent searches?
  • How many errors were logged between [specific time] and [specific time]?

Cluster health

  • What is the current health status of my Elasticsearch cluster?
  • Are there any unassigned shards in my cluster?
  • How is the CPU or memory usage of my Elasticsearch nodes?

Performance & optimization

  • Are there any slow queries that need investigation?
  • Which indices are taking the longest to respond to searches?

Alerts & notifications

  • Have there been any recent alerts in my Elasticsearch environment?
  • How can I set up notifications for slow search queries?
  • What are the thresholds for my Elasticsearch alerts?